Saturday, 13 January 2007

Wedding music: The food of love?

Music is an essential ingredient of a memorable wedding day, so care is needed in deciding what role it will play on your big day.

CDs and discos are fine, but there's no substitute for live music when it comes to providing a great wedding atmosphere.

Depending on where you're getting married, there are three main areas where you need to consider what music and musicians you need - before, during and after the ceremony.

Civil weddings in secular locations are becoming more and more popular these days. However, you need to set a good atmosphere as family and friends gather ready for the wedding ceremony itself.

In churches it's usually down to the resident organist to provide background music while the guests assemble. Of course, there's no direct counterpart at a hotel or stately home, and this is one area where the presence of a good wedding pianist, for example, can really help.

Unlike the church setting, where pre-ceremony music is usually chosen (or sometimes improvised) by the organist, you're likely to have more active input with the hired musician or musicians of your choice as to what material you'd like played.

Of course, the local church still remains a very popular choice for wedding ceremonies, so how should you handle the music here?

You should ideally ask the member of the clergy who is officiating at the ceremony to put you directly in touch with the organist. Read More...

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