Saturday, 6 January 2007

Famous Wedding Toasts & Speeches

While wedding toasts are very common, it can be difficult to give a great toast if you've never done it before. Sure, you see the movies where toasts are spoken as if they are poetry, seemingly with no forethought or effort. You might find it difficult to do this, which is why you should give a toast like the famous. Be prepared! Even mega stars such as George Clooney who just found out he will be hosting Brad and Angelina's wedding come prepared. Sure, he is the typical alpha male that seems relaxed and ready for anything, but do not kid yourself into believing that he will be able to host the wedding and give a toast without some planning! There will be plenty of people at Brad and Angelina's wedding as well as any other upcoming celebrity wedding that will have had some help in writing their toast for the famous couple!

Do Some Research

Search your library or even the Internet for some great quotes on weddings to sort of incorporate into your speech. You don't have to do something overly tacky or sentimental if that is not your personality, but there are some great sentiments that can help you express your thoughts, feelings, and happiness for the new couple. Most famous people have toasts and speeches prepared for them, and when you do some research you are basically using something old or something you've found elsewhere to really help you say what you need to say in an elegant way! Unfortunately, most of us do not have script writers on hand to help us write a toast, so the best thing you can do is look up some great toasts that have been used in history. Read More...

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